Let’s talk about body shape and why we’re so obsessed with it! We now live in a time where different body shapes are far more widely accepted. And yet, as…

I can still vividly remember the first time I met my boss at Harrods. I’m sure I’d be forgiven if I said it was her slight Miranda Priestly’esque vibe that…

I want to talk to you about something that’s near and dear to my heart when it comes to business, and that is personal branding. In this fast-paced, digital world…

The way we dress has changed considerably over the past couple of years, and with so many of us working from home, comfort became our priority, while fashion took a…

You’d have to be living under a rock not to know that energy prices have skyrocketed, and people are tightening their belts (metaphorically speaking) this winter. As many corporations look…

We all know that first impressions count. But what you may not know is that your personal style can have a huge impact on your career. According to Esquire magazine,…

When you read the headline to this blog did you gasp, raise your eyebrows, and think, “How could she say such a terrible thing!” Well, keep reading and I’ll explain……

Let me ask you something… What do you do when you start getting bored of wearing the clothes in your wardrobe? Or you don’t like the way your clothes look…

One of my core beliefs is that true confidence can only be achieved when we work on the inside and the outside of ourselves. These two things are completely interconnected…

Last weekend it felt like summer had officially started, so my family and I decided to head off to our local badi (public swimming area). It appeared that everyone in…

The following is a blog post written by my client Ilana Jankowitz. Ilana shares from her heart about her experience of working with me and the positive impact it’s had…

I’ve noticed that over the last year my weight keeps fluctuating, and every time it goes up my confidence takes a bit of a knock. It would be super easy…

Getting up and dressed is something we do every day, so we’d be forgiven for assuming that it should automatically be easy. Maybe you’re one of the lucky few that…

Last weekend I was in town shopping for a client who was going to be on CNN news and urgently needed something to wear. The weather was gorgeous, and as…

Have you ever thought about the message your clothes are conveying and the stories you’re telling with your current style? There’s so much available to us now with endless choices…

As a Personal Stylist I find myself answering a lot of the same colour questions when I’m working with clients. And that got me thinking. If most of my clients…

So often people go into the coaching relationship with a whole load of expectations that the coach will do all of the work for them, and that they in turn…

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by the very gorgeous Helena Zachariassen from My Happy Home here in Zurich. Helena is a KonMari Consultant and Life Coach and…

Many stylists (me included) often talk about a wardrobe detox being the first activity we do with our clients. But it’s recently occurred to me that I actually need to…

There’s an art to shopping online successfully. With physical shops closed for the majority of us, it’s an art that’s well worth mastering. Do you ever find when you come…

When you’re working from home, do you have your video on or off when you have a work call? I personally believe that for business calls, best practise is to…

“No seriously, you cannot wear that! I mean, who do you think you are? You look ridiculous. You’re way too young/ old/ fat/ thin/ short/ tall…” Blah, blah, blah! Let’s be…

Quite often at this time of year we instinctively opt for a darker colour palette or earthy tones with our clothes. But here’s a fun fact for you, wearing colour…

I was recently asked on Instagram about winter layering and how to layer-up without looking like a Michelin man! So, I thought I’d answer that question in a blog. I…

When I first started Signature Five, I had no intention of also being a colour consultant. My mission was to help professional women find their Signature Style, love their clothes…

There’s no getting away from the fact that style and confidence go hand in hand. I’ve always thought that an interesting test of how confident you’re feeling about your self-image,…

I know there are some people who think there’s no need to spend time on what we wear. For many it’s actually perceived as frivolous. But I believe owning your style…

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “Wow, I love her style!” But when you recreate it yourself it just doesn’t quite look as stylish? What makes someone have…

Do you know why the likes of Amal Clooney, Meghan Markle and Katie Holmes all look amazing? Ok yes, they might have a brilliant stylist, but if you look carefully you’ll…

Hands up if your new norm includes spending a lot of your day on Zoom or some other video tech program? Yep, me too! We’d like to think when it…

So many of us think we need to have new clothes every season. Magazines, blogs and social media tell us about the ‘10 essential must-haves in your wardrobe’. ‘Must-have summer…

I’ve been pondering writing this blog for a while but have held off announcing so publicly that there’s a big change happening, while I continue ‘business as normal’. If you…

The impact we’re having on our environment is definitely a hot topic at the moment. As consumers we are becoming more aware of the environmental effect of our behaviour and…

There are a million and one reasons why your style might be stuck right now. But knowing what to do to change it, isn’t always easy! I find a helpful…

Ilana Jankowitz is a certified Mindset Money Coach and NLP Practitioner. She’s the founder of Mindful Money Coaching and helps women in business unblock their money and increase their Magician…

What to wear on a winter holiday that ticks all the stylish, chic and festive boxes can sometimes feel like a bit of a challenge. For the first time ever,…

Clothes that flatter and make you feel fabulous, help to tell a story about your personality and the lifestyle you lead. However, putting together a look that conveys confidence and…

This time of year can often be the busiest for Stylists, as we play Fairy Godmother to all the Cinderellas attending galas, parties, balls, and all things festive. Trust me,…

As winter is fast approaching, it’s time to dig out our coats and boots and get all snuggly with the clothes in our wardrobes. For many though, dressing for winter…

Five Tips for Finding Your Best Jeans When you find the jean of your dreams, you’ll know it. You’ll look in the dressing room mirror and think to yourself, “Wow,…

I’m sure many of you can relate to the experience of waking up in the morning, opening your wardrobe doors and groaning at the all too familiar sight that greets…

All too often I hear women complaining about their bodies, and using all of the negative things they see as obstacles to dressing in a way that they truly desire….

One of the questions I’m asked frequently is, “What shoes do I need?” I love this question as I can’t emphasise enough shoes are such an important part of an…

The two seasons in fashion can often appear so distinctly different that it feels hard to know how to transition from one to the other with ease. One week we’re…

When people find out I’m a stylist, they either ask, “So what would you recommend I wear?” or they tell me, “I don’t really pay much attention to my clothes,…

During the summer months, going on a beach holiday can stir up all sorts of anxiety about our bodies, and dread about revealing ourselves to the world in a swimsuit…

Although not all trips are created equal and there are many factors that come into play when packing your luggage, there are several tried and true tips that I’ve accumulated…

Let’s set the scene… With only a week to go until your greatly anticipated holiday, you can barely contain your excitement as you count down the days! As you busy…

Have you ever dreamt of being pampered and groomed in one of the world’s leading fashion cities by your very own personal stylist? Imagine having a wardrobe that you love,…

Do you know this feeling that you want to do something and you say to yourself, ok tomorrow I’m going to start and then tomorrow comes… and you don’t start!! …

London to Zurich From catwalks, photoshoots and model fittings to determining what women should be wearing across the world, for ten years I worked at the heart of London’s fashion…