The following is a blog post written by my client Ilana Jankowitz. Ilana shares from her heart about her experience of working with me and the positive impact it’s had on her life and her body confidence. I hope you enjoy it…
If you’ve ever read my story on my website, you’ll know that I grew up around a lot of scarcity.
My scarcity beliefs came with some deep routed traumas and growing up my fear around money felt very real. My childhood experience of spending came with extremes that swung wildly between lack and indulgence.
Not surprisingly, when I was finally old enough to control my own money, I found myself overcompensating and operating from a place of fear of not having enough.
Thank goodness I found money coaching!
Through my own coaching journey, I’ve dedicated a lot of time to working through the blocks and attachment I had to scarcity, and now have a different, healthier mindset. This is why I continue to do the work, because I believe we’re all constantly creating money stories.
I’m a completely different person now and see prosperity and abundance in every area of my life. The transformation has been nothing short of miraculous.
Which is why a recent experience completely knocked me sideways!
I needed help!
I’m currently having a beautiful new website made and a while back decided that I really wanted some new images. I don’t like having my photo taken at the best of times, but the idea of having professional images that would be out in the public domain started getting me into a bit of a spin.
I felt completely stressed out and my head was filled with all sorts of thoughts…
“I can’t wear that anymore!”
“I can’t wear black.”
“I feel fat – maybe I should wait until I lose some weight.”
“Shopping is so stressful, I hate it!”
Can you relate?
Eventually I decided enough was enough. I knew I needed professional help with my wardrobe dilemma, so I reached out to Monika Mueller from Signature Five.
Professionals are a godsend
Monika is now my fashion angel! She strikes a wonderful balance between being extremely professional but incredibly kind and approachable. Her softly spoken warmth and vast knowledge of fashion immediately puts me at ease. There’s something so calming about knowing you’re in the safe hands of someone who really knows their stuff.
On our first call I explained to Monika that I had a photoshoot coming up. We chatted about what I needed and wanted, but honestly, I had no idea about either! I didn’t have a clue about what colours I like, styles I like or what even suits me.
Not fazed by my lack of knowing, Monika took over and got to work creating mood boards and searching stores online for the perfect pieces to fit my needs. I cannot tell you the relief I felt – Monika made the entire experience so unbelievably easy and stress-free for me. She gave me back hours and hours of time that I could instead use focusing on my business.
Once Monika finished her selection, she sent me links to each item so I could go ahead and make my purchases. In the end I ordered two sizes of everything because I didn’t even know my size – no joke!
What on earth is happening to me!
That night, purchases made, I suddenly woke up at 3am in a complete panic!
“What have I done!”
“Why am I overindulging!”
“Why am I spending money on myself!”
“Why didn’t I just buy one item or do my photos for the website another time!”
And then the big one hit me…
“This is a luxury, and I DON’T DESERVE IT!”
I couldn’t believe the fear and flood of scarcity and lack that came up.
I’m sharing this because I don’t believe for one minute that I’m the only one that experiences feelings like this. Through my years as a money coach it’s something that comes up time and time again. But what really shocked me was that I thought I’d dealt with these feelings!
With knowledge comes calm
The next morning, with my head still in a spin, I took myself off for a walk in the forest to give myself a good talking too!
Dropping out of my head and the noise of my ego, I could finally hear all the things that I knew were true. That I’m okay. I have more than enough to do this. I’m worthy. I’m abundant. I’m deserving. I’m confident and want to show up and be seen.
All the money work I’ve done over the years allowed me to shift my mind from fear and panic into truth. And, knowing that I was in such safe and professional hands with Monika, calmed me and gave me security that the purchases I’d made were an investment in me and my business.
I want you to ask yourself right now…
- Do you deprive yourself of living abundantly?
- How often do you miss out on going to wonderful events because you believe you have nothing to wear?
- Do you allow yourself to dress as the successful woman you are/are working to become?
- Do you hate shopping like I did and want a fashion angel like Monika to support you?
Working with a professional like Monika has been lifechanging for me. Before this experience I would rather have gone to the dentist than shop, that’s how much I hated it!
But I’m so excited I made the decision to reach out for Monika’s help. The signature style we’re creating together feels perfect for me and my lifestyle. Monika’s inside-out approach to styling has helped elevate my confidence to new levels and I couldn’t be happier.
We all deserve to feel confident in our bodies and look our best. I’ve waited a lifetime for this experience – please don’t wait so long!
If, like Ilana, you’re ready to feel confident and elevate your style in your career/business, come and join me for my upcoming 3 Day Style Jumpstart for only $8. You can register here for: “3 Day Style Jumpstart Challenge” and I can’t wait to see you there!